Installation – Glow-worm Flexicom hx User Manual

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Water System - Domestic Hot Water

5.7 Domestic Hot Water Cylinder

The domestic hot water cylinder must be of the double feed fully
indirect coil type.

5.8 Unvented DHW System

General - All domestic hot water circuits, connections, fi ttings
must be in accordance with the relevant standards and water
supply regulations.
For GB: Guidance G17 to G24 and recommendation R17 to
R24 of the Water Regulations Guide

(for Scotland, the Water

Byelaws 2000, Scotland)


Document G Sanitation, hot water safety and water effi ciency,
section 3 of the building regulations, requires that the
installation of an unvented system should be notifi ed to the local
authority Building Controls Department and that the work must
be carried out by a competent person approved at the time by
the Health and Safety Executive, as defi ned in the approved
document G3.
For IE: The current edition of I.S.813 “Domestic Gas
Where a storage system will not have a vent to atmosphere
the installation must comply with the building regulations and
the Water Supply (water fi ttings) regulations 1999 and water
byelaws 2000, Scotland, see also the current issue of BS5546
and BS6700.
If fi tting to an existing system the local authority should be

5.9 Vented DHW System

General - All domestic hot water circuits, connections, fi ttings
must be in accordance with the relevant standards and water
supply regulations.
For GB: Guidance G17 to G24 and recommendation R17 to
R24 of the Water Regulations Guide

(for Scotland, the Water

Byelaws 2000, Scotland)


For IE: The current edition of I.S.813 “Domestic Gas

Water System - Open (Vented) Central
Heating System

5.10 Open (Vented) Central Heating System

The boiler must be supplied from an unrestricted water supply
taken from a feed and expansion cistern situated at a maximum
height of 27 metres (90ft) above the boiler.

The cold feed must be 15mm minimum size.

The vent must rise continuously and be unrestricted.

It is important that the relative positions of the pump, cold feed
and open vent are as shown in diagram 5.3.

5.11 Combined Feed and Vent

For combined feed and vent, a 22mm pipe must be fi tted in
accordance with BS 5449.

Diagram 5.3