5 confined space pre-entry checks, 6 general description – ENMET PGD2Manual.pdf User Manual

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ENMET Corporation




Confined Space Pre-entry Checks

The area to be investigated prior to entry can be checked in two ways: -

i). Peak Reading Mode
With the instrument selected for this mode as described in Section 6.3, it can be lowered into the confined space. It should be
left there for a minimum period of 1 minute; upon withdrawal the display will show the maximum readings obtained for the
flammable and toxic sensors. See peak reading Section 6.3 regarding oxygen reading. If any of the sensors detect gas above
or below (in the case of oxygen) the pre-set alarm levels then the visual and audible alarm will be operating and reference
should be made to supervisory personnel.

ii). Aspiration

Having selected and fitted an aspirator appropriate to the duty (refer to Section 6.19), a sample can be drawn, either manually
or by use of the internal pump if fitted, from the confined space. Care should be taken to ensure that a representative sample
has been obtained from the area under investigation using the guidelines given in Section 6.19. If any of the sensors detect
gas above or below (in the case of oxygen) the pre-set alarm levels then the visual and audible alarm will be operating and
reference should be made to supervisory personnel.


General Description

The PGD3-IR is an intrinsically safe portable multi-gas instrument for use in Class 1, Div 1, Group A, B, C, D potentially explosive
atmospheres. The instrument is intended to be used for the protection of personnel entering or working in an environment where a gas
hazard may, or is known to exist.
The instrument produces both an audible and visual alarms if any of the monitored gas levels fall outside pre-set limits.
It can be fitted with up to 4 gas sensors in various combinations of flammable (via infrared), toxic (including carbon dioxide via infrared)
and oxygen to provide simultaneous monitoring of each gas. The instrument also automatically calculates the STEL and TWA values
for each gas.

Pumped versions are available at additional cost.

Figure 1 - Front View of Portable Gas Detector with Case Removed

Figure 2 - Top View Showing Lens Keypad and Certification Data

Front Panel


Gas Inlet

LCD Display

Gas Inlet

Example of
Sensor Configuration