Wet finger detector, Project #209 steamship – Elenco Electronics 202 User Manual

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OBJECTIVE: To build a high pitch bell.

Build the circuit shown and press the press switch (S2). The circuit
starts to oscillate. This generates the sound of a high pitch bell.

Using the circuit in project #208, connect the 0.1

μF capacitor (C2)

across the 0.02

μF capacitor (C1). Press the press switch (S2). The

circuit now generates the sound of a steamship.

Project #208

High-pitch Bell

Project #210

OBJECTIVE: To use your body as an electronic component.

Wet Finger Detector

Turn the circuit on, nothing happens. Touch points A & B with your
fingers, nothing happens. Wet your fingers with water or saliva and
touch points A & B, you hear a loud tone.

Wetting your fingers makes better electrical contact with the metal,
effectively lowering your body’s resistance.

OBJECTIVE: To generate the sound of a steamship.

Project #209
