Project #191 space battle, Project #193 multi-speed light fan – Elenco Electronics 202 User Manual

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Project #191

Space Battle

OBJECTIVE: To show how sound can turn
“ON” an electronic device.

Project #193

Multi-speed Light Fan

OBJECTIVE: To vary the
speed of a fan activated by

OBJECTIVE: To show how light
can turn “ON” an electronic device.

Replace the slide switch (S1) with the
photoresistor (RP). Now covering and
uncovering the photoresistor will
change the sound.

Project #192

Space Battle (II)

Project #194

Light & Finger Light

OBJECTIVE: To show another way the space war IC may be

In the circuit at left, replace the motor (M1) with a 6V lamp (L2)
shown below. Vary the brightness of the lamp by covering the
photoresistor and holding down the press switch (S2) in various
combinations. Notice that pressing the press switch when the
photoresistor is covered still turns on the lamp, while in project #193,
doing this would turn off the motor.

Build the circuit shown on the left. Activate the
circuit by turning on the slide switch (S1) or
pressing the press switch (S2), do both several
times and in combination. You will hear
exciting sounds and see flashing lights, as if a
space battle is raging!

Build the circuit shown on
the left, with the fan on the
motor (M1).

This circuit is activated by
light on the photoresistor
(RP), though the fan will
barely turn at all. Press the
press switch (S2) and the
fan will spin. If you hold the
press switch down, the fan
will spin faster. If you cover
the photoresistor, the fan
will stop unless the press
switch is pressed.



Moving parts. Do not

touch the fan or motor during operation.