Project #146, Whining fan project #147 light whining, Project #148 more light whining – Elenco Electronics 202 User Manual

Page 68: Project #149 motor that won’t start

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Project #146

OBJECTIVE: To make different sounds.

Whining Fan

Project #147

Light Whining

OBJECTIVE: To make different sounds.

Replace the 100

Ω resistor (R1) at the upper-

left of the circuit (points A1 & A3 on the base
grid) with the photoresistor (RP), and wave
your hand over it. The whining sound has
changed a little and can now be controlled by

Project #148

More Light


OBJECTIVE: To make different sounds.

Replace the 0.02

μF capacitor (C1) with the


μF capacitor (C2). The sounds are lower

in frequency and you can’t make the fan spin

Project #149

Motor That

Won’t Start

OBJECTIVE: To make different sounds.

Replace the 0.1

μF capacitor (C2) with the


μF capacitor (C3), put the positive (+) side

towards the left. It now makes clicking
sounds and the fan moves only in small
bursts, like a motor (M1) that won’t start.

Build the circuit on the left. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and move the
setting on the adjustable resistor (RV) across its range. You hear a
high-pitch whine and the fan spins.



Moving parts. Do not touch the fan or

motor during operation.



Moving parts.

Do not touch the fan or motor
during operation.