F1 – show banner, A – add device to list, D – set the domain of the network interface – Echelon NodeUtil Node Utility User Manual

Page 16

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Using NodeUtil

Type the indicated letter (or function key) to run the corresponding command.

You can stop any command by pressing the ESC key.

The G, M, R, S, and W commands prompt you to enter an ID for the device that

you want to address with the command. NodeUtil maintains a list of devices that

it knows about, indexed by ID number. This device list initially contains only the
network interface itself, which has an ID of 0. For most of these commands, the

default device is the last device in the list. You can use any of the following
methods to add devices to the NodeUtil device list:

• Attach the device to the network and activate its service pin. When

NodeUtil receives the service pin message, it adds the device to the device
list and then displays the device ID and the program ID of the device.

Subsequent service pin messages only display the device ID. If the

service pin message is received from a router, two entries are made in the
device list; the first entry will be for the router near side (the side closest

to the network interface), and the second entry for the router far side.

• Enter either the Find devices in all (1)-byte domains or the (F)ind devices

in the current domain command. All unconfigured devices, and devices

configured in any 1-byte domain, or in the configured domain of the
network interface, as appropriate to the command selected, are added to

the device list.

• Enter the (A)dd device to list command. You are prompted to enter the 6-

byte Neuron ID of the device you wish to add to the list. Enter the

Neuron ID in hex (for example, 9000011E28061102).

Use the (G)o to device menu command to display the device menu; see


NodeUtil Device Menu

on page 15.

F1 – Show Banner

Use this command to display the name and version of the NodeUtil Node Utility.

A – Add Device to List

Use this command to add a device to the device list. The command prompts for

the device’s Neuron ID. Enter the Neuron ID as six hex values, optionally

separated by spaces. For example, you can enter “9000011E28061102” or “90 00
01 1E 28 06 11 02”. If NodeUtil can communicate with the device, it is added to

the directory. If NodeUtil cannot communicate with the device, it displays the
following error message: Query status: Could not communicate with
the node


D – Set the Domain of the Network Interface

Use this command to display, and optionally set, the first domain table entry of
the network interface. You can use this command to specify the domain before

using the (F)ind devices in the current domain command (from the main menu).
When you enter the D command, you are prompted for the following parameters:

1. The domain ID length (0, 1, 3 or 6 bytes). Press the ESC key if you do not

want to change the domain.