Troubleshooting / f.a.q. 13, Troubleshooting / f.a.q – Eagle Tree Guardian 2D/3D Stabilizer User Manual

Page 13

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Copyright 2013-2014 Eagle Tree Systems, LLC Page 13

The Mode Config Tab


Allows the configuration of the 3 positions on the Mode switch input to be
customized. Use the drop down menus in each position field to customize which
mode becomes active when that position is selected by the mode switch.

Troubleshooting / F.A.Q.

Question: Is it OK to use dual/expanded rates/ranges on my transmitter?

Answer: While using expanded servo ranges on your controller will not cause problems, they
are not needed and may cause confusion. The Guardian will use its own expanded ranges
depending on your gains, and any Custom Servo Ranges that may be defined through the PC
App. In both 2D and 3D Modes, higher gains will result in an improved responsiveness. In
3D Mode, activating Direct Rate 3D Control and increasing the Direct Rate Speed for a given
axis will cause the model to rotate more quickly around that axis. In this way, when
stabilization is enabled, the Guardian 2D / 3D Stabilizer makes user-defined Dual (Expanded)
Servo Rates unnecessary. If you need expanded servo ranges when stabilization is disabled, it
is recommended that you configure your transmitter to enable those expanded rates only when
your mode switch is in the “stabilization disabled” position. Consult your transmitter manual
for details on doing this and to see if your transmitter is capable.

Please note that when testing with the aircraft sitting still on the ground, and the Guardian in
2D or 3D mode, you will not see the normal dual rates/expo behavior that you have come to expect when testing. You must disable the Guardian to check your dual
rates/expo. Once in the air, the dual rates/expo should work as you would expect.

Below are the responses to non-standard servo ranges when stabilization is enabled:

Reduced Servo Rates / Ranges: In 2D Mode, full stick deflection will yield less than the configured “Stabilization Pitch/Roll Angle(s)”, making it feel like you are
“fighting” with the Guardian. 3D Mode will exhibit slower than the “Direct Rate Speed” at full stick deflection. At some low servo rates, the Radio Stick Menu may not
work correctly.

Expanded Servo Rates / Ranges: 2D Mode may not be able to prevent inverted maneuvers, even at high gains. In 3D Mode, expanded servo rates will result in
proportionally faster Pitch/Roll/Yaw rates.

Question: This is my first flight with the Guardian, or my maiden flight with a new plane equipped with the Guardian. What should I do?

Answer: If it is your first time learning how to use the Guardian, it is strongly recommended that you first test it on an inexpensive and robust model that you have flown
before. After performing the Guardian’s preflight check (consult the relevant portion of the manual) to confirm that stabilization is working correctly, use your Mode or
Gain channel to disable it. Perform a standard take-off without stabilization and fly up to a safe height. Activate the Guardian at this time by slowly increasing your Gain or
switching into 2D Mode. If your model begins to flip over, immediately disable stabilization, recover, and land. One or more of your individual axis gain control dials are
likely turned the wrong direction. If oscillations occur, then your gains are too high. Turn down either your Overall Gain knob or bring the individual Guardian gain control
dial of the oscillating axis closer to its center position.

Issue: The Guardian does not move my servos when I move the model around.


Make sure that the gain control knobs on the Guardian are not in the center (vertical) position, which disables stabilization

If you are using a 3 position Mode/Config switch, make sure it is not set in the center (disabled) position.

If you are using a Gain knob on your transmitter, make sure that it’s not turned to -100% servo deflection, which will disable stabilization.

Issue: The Guardian moves my servos in the wrong direction as I move the model around.

Solution: The gain control knobs on the Guardian set the direction of stabilized servo movement, as well as the gain level.

Issue: My rudder is not moving or is not moving as much as the other control surfaces.

Solution: Unless you are in 3D Mode with 3D Heading Hold enabled, the Rudder will not deflect very much to oppose your flight movements in the Yaw axis. This is
expected behavior. See the section called “Components of Stabilization” for more info.

Issue: Stabilization suddenly stops working or stabilizes incorrectly during flight, but resumes correct operation later.


The Guardian may be experiencing brownout. See BEC/Receiver Battery Power Requirements section above.

Make sure that the Guardian is securely mounted, and not “flapping around” during aggressive maneuvers

If, during engine run-up, you notice the servos shifting or moving around inappropriately, you may need to move the Guardian away from sources of RFI (such
as a powerful BEC or motor). Or, you may need to mount the Guardian differently to reduce excessive vibration.

Issue: Reset Level Flight doesn’t seem to work.

Solution: Make sure the Guardian is mounted approximately level. Mounting offsets in excess of 25 degrees from flat or upside-down can reduce performance and will
cause the Reset Level Flight to fail.
Solution: Make sure the endpoints of the switch you are using with the Mode input are configured to approximately -100%, 100%. This is required for the Reset Level
Flight and other Mode switch Configuration Gestures to work correctly.

Issue: My servos are getting stripped or are burning out due to excessive deflection.


Reduce the gains on the channels that are experiencing too much deflection. This reduces both load and deflection.

Use the Custom Servo Ranges option in the PC software to specify limits to the servo deflections. When properly configured, this guarantees that the servos will
not bind or deflect beyond their engineered limits.

Issue: In the PC software, the Artificial Horizon Indicator (AHI) display is not correctly showing level, even when my model is sitting level on the table.

Solution: The AHI will not show true level if the Guardian is in 3D mode. In this mode, the AHI shows level based on the last time 3D lock was invoked (stick
centered). Please switch the Guardian to 2D mode if you want the AHI to show true level.