12 sleep timer – Dream Property DM800 HD se User Manual
Page 32
3.12 Sleep timer
Using the sleep timer you can put your Dreambox into standby or turn it off after a predeterminedamount
of time.
Follow this steps:
1. Press the Menu-Button to open the main OSD menu.
2. With the Navigation-Buttons (
) choose the option “Standby / Restart” and press the OK-
3. With the Navigation-Buttons (
) choose the option “Sleep timer” and press the OK-Button.
Sleep timer
Shutdown Dreambox after
Set the number of minutes after you wish the predetermined shutdown action
to be executed.
Set this option to “enabled” to activate a set sleep timer or to “disabled” to deactivate a set
sleep timer. Press the red Options-Button to change the status.
Sleep timer action
Select “Deep Standby” to completely turn off you Dreambox or “Standby” to put it into
standby mode. Press the green Options-Button to toggle the sleep timer action.
Ask before shutdown
If this option is set to “Yes” a safety window will appear once the sleep timer is
executed asking you if you really want to turn off your Dreambox. Press the yellow Options-Button
to toggle this option.
Use time of currently running service
Press the blue Options-Button to take over the remaining time of
the service as shutdown time.
Once you have set all options to your liking press the OK-Button to save your settings. A short note will
tell you that the sleep timer has been activated.