ADLINK ACL-8111 User Manual

Page 45

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C/C++ Library for DOS 39

5.6 _8111_DO

@ Description

This function is used to write data to digital output ports. There are 16
digital outputs on the ACL-8111, they are divided by two ports,
DO_LO_BYTE and DO_HI_BYTE. The channel 0 to channel 7 are defined
in DO_LO_BYTE port and the channel 8 to channel 15 are defined as the
DO_HI_BYTE port.

@ Syntax

int _8111_DO(int port_number, unsigned char data )

@ Argument:

port_number: DO_LO_BYTE or DO_HI_BYTE

value will be written to digital output port

@ Return Code:


@ Example:

#include “aclerr.h”
#include “8111.h”



_8111_Initial( CARD_1, 0x220 );

/* Assume NoError when Initialize ACL-8111
card */


_8111_DO( DO_LO_BYTE , 0x55 );

printf( "The low byte is now 0x55.\n" );

_8111_DO( DO_HI_BYTE , 0xAA );

printf( "The high byte is now 0xAA.\n" );


A more detailed program is Provided in this software 'DO_DEMO.C'