Directed Electronics G322R User Manual

Page 18

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© 2 0 0 3 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .

black lead of the meter and probe the suspect wire with the door
open, you will see 11.00 to 13.00 volts appear on the meter,
secure the black meter lead to the suspect wire and close the door
with the display on the meter visible, if you have the right wire
the voltage will drop to 0.00 volts, open the passenger door to
verify that the wire sees both doors. Once confirmed solder the
GREEN (H1/5) wire on the 12 pin harness to it and cover the
connection with black tape.

Some vehicles (mainly FORD) have a positive 12volt door
trigger if this is the case in your vehicle place the Black lead of
your meter to chassis ground and secure it, place the Red lead
of your meter to the suspect wire with the door opened the
meter should read 12.00 to 13.00 volts secure the red lead and
close the door with the meter display visible, when the door is
closed the meter should read 0.00 volts, open the passenger side
door and the meter should read 12:00 to 13:00 volts. Once
confirmed solder the VIOLET (H1/7) wire to it and cover the
connection with electrical tape.

Some newer vehicles have multiple door triggers or a wire for

each door, if this is the case it may be necessary to diode isolate

the triggers so the security system can see all triggers without the

door triggers seeing each other. If your Vehicle has more than

one door trigger listed on the vehicle information sheet please

refer to the web site or call technical support.