Directed Electronics G322R User Manual
Page 17

© 2 0 0 3 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .
Once you have identified the correct wire, solder the WHITE
wire on the main connector to it and cover the connection with
electrical tape.
step 6
Door triggers
The door trigger is the circuit in the vehicle that tells the dome
light to come on when the door is opened. This wire can be
either a positive 12 volt polarity or more commonly a negative
ground polarity, the door trigger wire is mandatory for all secu-
rity systems and can usually be identified on Using the information sheet for your
specific vehicle locate the suspect wire, if the door trigger listed
for your car is a negative type door trigger place the red lead of
your meter to a constant 12 volt source and secure it, take the
ntt:: While reading the meter turn (adjust) the
dash dimmer control switch. The voltage should not vary
on the meter. If the voltage does vary the incorrect sus-
pected wire has been tested. Find the correct wire and