Miscellaneous – Canon WITE32 User Manual
Page 27

WITE32 Release Notes Version 3.11
3.5 Miscellaneous
1. If V2002 spinstand driver is unchecked during WITE32 installation, the error message “Failed to run
‘C:\WITE32\DIME.EXE /regserver’ command” pops up at the end of the installation process.
2. The Head Amplifiers Connect and Head Amplifiers Disconnect operations do not do anything and do not provide
any diagnostics if called from the WITE32 dashboard when the device is started. The proper error message
"Head Amplifier can be disconnected only if a device is stopped. This operation should be used in a production
sequence in ‘_ZOutside’ zone." is added.
3. No test results are reported and stored in the database during the Alternative Overwrite test execution in case
when the Low Frequency parameter is selected as Fixed, although the correct values are displayed on the graph.
4. The PWN Asymmetry test displays overflow message box intermittently when the signal amplitude from the
head is small.
5. The Position Error Test result values PosErrL and PosErrR are swapped.
6. WITE32 crashes during TAA calibration in the production sequence if the calibration procedure is being
repeated in a loop more than 100 times.
7. The
Track Profile test does not report any results (even the special –9999 values indicating the error) when the
measurements fail.
8. Allocated sectored result memory in the read channel board for RWA-2000 series is smaller than on the RWA-
2585 and RWA-2550 families of testers. The allocated sectored result memory size is increased.
9. If the type or size of a field in a product database is changed, the product update procedure of WITE32 does not
update the database correctly.
10. For some WITE32 tests, combo box control selection is done wrongly. If two items in the list have the same
prefix sub-string, only the first item can be selected. For example, in a pattern selection combo box, if HFX
pattern is added before HF pattern, HF pattern cannot be selected at all.
11. In the Frequency test configuration dialog box, the boundary validation of the frequency is wrong (the From and
To parameters).
12. An attempt to change the From or To parameters in the Relative Track Range frame of the Multitrack Critical
Erase Current test in the Media Analysis Tests module (WGMA module) fails. The error message "Not a valid
number" appears repeatedly, no matter what values are typed in and what the operator is doing after that –
attempting to restore the original settings or closing the configuration form.
13. In the Control | System dialog box the bit cell and flux reversal fields may be displayed in red and green if the bit
cell field contain decimal places.
Guzik Technical Enterprises