Using the mx200 as a hardwar, Installing the mx-edit vst h, Connecting the mx20 – Lexicon MX200 User Manual
Page 40: Using the mx200 as a hardware plug-in, Installing the mx-edit vst hardware plug-in, Connecting the mx200, Quick access menu

Archiving is a powerful tool for preserving
the current state of your MX200. When you
archive the MX200, all of its presets and
global settings are sent to the computer
and saved to a file. When an archive is
restored, the MX200 is configured exactly
how it was when you archived it. This
allows you to not only create safety back-
ups, but create unique configurations for
various purposes. For example, you might
want to create a setup specifically for that
gig you’re playing on the weekend, but still
keep all your favorite studio presets intact.
Use the MX-Edit Backup feature to
archive the MX200’s settings, then modify
and store anything and everything you
want, without worrying about reprogram-
ming all your previous programs and set-
To archive the MX200, select File >
Backup. In the dialog box, select a name
and location for the archive file. The default
name and location is untitled.syx on your
To restore an archive, select File >
Restore. Select an archive file to be
restored, then wait for the data to be
received by the device. MX-Edit sends the
archive information to your MX200, replac-
ing all the data in the hardware with the
archived data.
Note: It is a good idea to create a new
Backup archive file anytime you plan to
restore the MX200 from a previous archive
Quick Access Menu
For instant access to the most often used
commands, click the small down arrow in
the upper left corner of the program win-
dow to open the Quick Access Menu.
Store Program in MX200
Lets you choose a name and location in
the library for the selected program.
Rename Program in MX200
Lets you select a User program and
rename it.
Open Program
Lets you browse for and open existing pro-
Save Program
Saves the selected program window under
its current name. (If the program is untitled,
you will be prompted to name it.)
Creates an archive of the programs saved
in the MX200.
Lets you browse for and open an MX200
Archive File, which loads archived pro-
grams onto the MX200.
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