Vibrato, Rotary, Tremolo/pan – Lexicon MX200 User Manual

Page 27

background image

ed signal being fed back into the input, cre-

ating feedback. Higher amounts add more

resonance to the effect signal.

Tremolo and Panner create rhythmic

changes in signal amplitude. Tremolo

affects both channel’s amplitude simultane-

ously, while the Panner affects the ampli-

tude of each channel in an alternating


Tremolo/Pan Controls

Knob 1: Speed

Controls the modulation rate of the


Knob 2: Depth

Controls the intensity of the volume ampli-

tude change.

Knob 3: Phase

Controls whether the amplitude change

occurs in both channels simultaneously

(Tremolo) or alternates between channels


Rotary speaker cabinets were designed to

provide a majestic vibrato/choir effect for

electronic theater and church organs. The

most well known rotary speaker is the

Leslie™ Model 122, which has two count-

er-rotating elements: a high-frequency horn

and a low-frequency rotor with slow and

fast speeds. The sound generated as the

spinning elements change speed is truly

magical. The swirling, spacious effect is

difficult to describe – but clearly recogniza-


The Rotary effect is modeled after a

Leslie-style cabinet. The input signal is split

into high and low-frequency bands. The

rotation effect is created by a synchronized

combination of pitch shifting, tremolo, and

panning. Like the physical cabinet, the high

(horn) and low (rotor) frequencies are

“spun” in opposite directions. Horn and

rotor speeds are independent, and

designed with acceleration and decelera-

tion characteristics to simulate the inertia

of the original mechanical elements.

A virtual requirement for organ music,

Rotary also sounds remarkable with guitar

and electric piano rhythm parts. In fact,

these programs are great alternatives to

the Chorus and Tremolo effects for any

sound source.

Rotary Controls

Knob 1: Speed

Controls the modulation rate of both rotary

speakers. The lower frequencies rotate at

a slower speed than the high frequencies.

Knob 2: Doppler

Increases or decreases the Doppler pitch

effect that is created by the physics of a

rotating speaker.

Knob 3: Stereo Spread

Increases or decreases the stereo imaging

of the Rotary effect.

Vibrato is obtained by smoothly varying

the pitch of the signal just sharp and flat of

the original at a determined rate.


Stereo (Wet only)


Mono (Wet only)


Stereo (Wet only)

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