The mx-edit editor/librarian, Installing the mx-edit edito, Quick star – Lexicon MX200 User Manual

Page 31: The mx-edit editor/librarian - windows, Installing the mx-edit editor/librarian software, Quick start, Bypass mode select, Factory reset

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the MX200 will have a signal source (such

as an instrument) connected directly to its

inputs and the MX200’s outputs are con-

nected to a mixer or amplifier input chan-

nels. The difference between these two

banks is the way the Mix 1 and Mix 2 con-

trols are set in the Factory programs, pro-

viding the proper wet/dry mix for either


Note: The default Factory bank is the

Serial bank. If you plan to use the MX200

as a Parallel device in a mixer Aux

Send/Return setup, select the Parallel

bank of Factory programs.

To select the Parallel bank of Factory pro-


1. Press both the Store and Audition

buttons simultaneously until Ut appears

in the Program Display.

2. Press the Audition button repeatedly

until Fb appears in the Program

Display. This is the Factory Bank

program select menu. The Program

Display alternately flashes Fb

and then SE to indicate the Serial bank

of Factory programs is selected.

3. To select the Parallel bank of Factory

programs, turn the Program Select

knob until PA appears in the Program


4. Press the Store button to save these


Bypass Mode Select

From the factory, MX200 is configured so

that engaging the Bypass button on P1 or

P2 causes that processor to go into

Bypass mode, allowing dry, unprocessed

signal to pass through unaffected. There

are cases when you may want to have this

button mute the output altogether, allowing

neither wet nor dry signal to pass. Note

that this configuration should only be used

for Routing options 1, 3 and 4; placing

either Processor in Bypass (mute) when

Routing 2 (Cascade) is selected will cause

the MX200 to have no output, as the entire

signal is muted by the Processor placed in


To change this setting:

1. Press both the Store and Audition

buttons simultaneously.

2. Press the Audition button repeatedly

until bP appears in the Program

Display. The Program Display flashes

between bP and dr (indicating dry


3. Turn the Program Select knob until the

display reads no (or no signal).

4. Press the Store button to save this


Factory Reset

Use this utility if you want to erase all User

program data and restore the MX200 to its

factory state.

To perform a Factory Reset:

1. Press both the Store and Audition

buttons simultaneously.

2. Press the Audition button repeatedly

until Fr appears in the Program


3. To restore the MX200 to its factory state,

press the Store button. The Store

button begins to flash.

Warning: Pressing and holding the Store

button again at this time resets all Utility

menus to their factory defaults and perma-

nently erases all User programs! This will

not affect the Factory programs or any pro-

grams saved to your computer using the

MX-Edit Librarian software.

4. Press and hold the Store button to

complete the reset procedure. The

display flashes rs to indicate the

Factory Reset was successful.


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