The mx-edit, Program editor, Editing a program – Lexicon MX200 User Manual
Page 34: Signal routing options, Reverb/effect selection buttons
this program is a basic clean sound.
However, you can create your own default
program by overwriting the Default file in
the MX-Edit directory with the program of
your choice.
The MX-Edit
The MX-Edit Program Editor lets you
quickly and easily view, compare and edit
any program stored in the MX200, or pro-
grams saved to your computer.
MX-Edit gives you all the same control and
functionality as the MX200 front panel, with
the exception of Input control, Audition,
and Utility functions. You’ll also see that
the Routing button has been replaced by
a pull-down menu, as have the two Effect
Select buttons. The Active
Reverb/Effects Matrix and Program
Display have been replaced by the Title
Bar and values above the Parameter
adjust knobs.
With these minor differences, the Program
Editor works just like the MX200’s front
panel – and all changes that you make in
the active Program Editor window are
reflected in real-time on the MX200. MX-
Edit and the MX200 are fully interactive, so
any changes made on the MX200’s front
panel are reflected in real-time in the active
MX-Edit Program Editor window as well.
When you open a program, an instance of
the MX-Edit Program Editor appears, with
the selected program’s name in Program
Name field. The settings of the loaded pro-
gram are reflected in the Parameter knobs
and buttons, and are loaded into the
MX200 hardware. The program (and any
edits you make) can be previewed at any
time by using the Audition button on the
MX200 front panel.
You can have multiple Program Editors
open at once, but only the currently select-
ed window is active. In other words,
MX200 processes the settings of the active
Program Editor, and you only hear the set-
tings of the active (selected) Program
Editor window.
Editing a Program
Signal Routing Options
To change MX200’s Routing, left click on
the Routing button in the Input/Routing
control area. A list of the MX200’s four
Routing options appears, with a check
mark next to the currently selected routing.
Highlight an item in the list and left click to
select and load it. A routing diagram will
appear next to the Routing button, and the
routing name will be shown in the button.
Reverb/Effect Selection Buttons
To change a reverb or effect in Processor 1
or Processor 2, left click on the
Reverb/Effect Select button in P1 or P2
control area. A list of the MX200’s 32
reverbs and effects appears, with a check
mark next to the currently selected reverb
or effect. Highlight an item in the list and
left click to select and load it. Notice that
the reverb or effect name now appears in
the Reverb/Effect Select button, and the
Parameter knobs in MX-Edit change posi-
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