Saving a program, Storing a program, Archiving – Lexicon MX200 User Manual

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Saving a Program

If you make any changes to a program, an

asterisk (*) will appear next to the program

name in the Title Bar of the Program

Editor. The LED associated with the corre-

sponding knob or button and the Store but-

ton on the MX200’s front panel also illumi-

nates, indicating a change from the loaded


To save a program to disk, click File and

select Save or Save As, and enter a file

name. By default, programs are saved to

your computer in the My Documents fold-

er; to choose a different location, simply

navigate to a different folder or create a

new folder in which to save your MX200

program files. (For example,

C:\Documents and


Documents\MX200 Presets). Click the

Save button to complete the process.

You can also save a program simply by

closing the active Program Editor window.

If any changes have been made to the

loaded program, a dialog box appears,

asking if you want to save your changes.

Click Yes to save the changes, No to close

without saving, or Cancel to return to the

active Program Editor window. If you

choose this method to save your changes,

the current program will be over-written; to

save the program as a new file with a dif-

ferent name (and keep the loaded pro-

gram’s settings intact), click File then Save


MX200 programs are given the file exten-

sion .m2p, and they can be copied, moved,

attached to emails – anything you can do

with a standard document or file. These

files should, however, only be opened by

MX-Edit Editor/Librarian software to pre-

vent corruption.

Storing a Program

To store a program into one of the 99 User

program locations in the MX-Edit Library

(and the corresponding location in the

MX200’s physical memory), open the pro-

gram you wish to store. With the Program

Editor window active, click Device, then

Store Program. The Store to Device dia-

log appears, allowing you to choose the

User program location and program name

to store with it. Be aware that storing a pro-

gram in this manner will over-write the pro-

gram previously stored in that location,

both in the MX-Edit Library and the MX200

itself. Click Save to store to the selected

User program location. To cancel the oper-

ation, click Cancel, or close the Store to

Device dialog box.

To rename a User program in the Library,

right-click on its name in the Library win-

dow and select Rename. Type in the new

name and press Enter to save the change.

Since the Factory programs can never be

over-written, you cannot store to nor

rename a Factory program location. You

may edit a Factory program, but it must be

stored to a User program location.


Archiving is a powerful tool for preserving

the current state of your MX200. When you

archive the MX200, all of its presets and

global settings are sent to the computer

and saved to a file. When an archive is

restored, the MX200 is configured exactly

how it was when you archived it. This

allows you to not only create safety back-

ups, but create unique configurations for

various purposes. For example, you might

want to create a setup specifically for that

gig you’re playing on the weekend, but still

keep all your favorite studio presets intact.

Use MX-Edit’s Backup feature to archive

the MX200’s settings, then modify and

store anything and everything you want,

without worrying about reprogramming all

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