Readjustment of vsk 3000, See also sections, “readjustment of, Vsk 3000”, pg. 54. / “readjustment of vsp – VACUUBRAND DCP 3000 User Manual

Page 54: See sections “read, Justment of vsk 3000”, pg. 54 / “readjustment, Notice adjustment at atmospheric pressure

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The vacuum gauge was adjusted using factory standards,

which are traceable through regular calibration in an ac-

credited laboratory (DAkkS calibration laboratory) to the

German national pressure standard. Depending on the

process and/or accuracy requirements, check the adjust-

ment and readjust if necessary. For readjustment, the de-

vice has to be adjusted both at atmospheric pressure as

well as under vacuum but only if the reference pressures

are known with certainty. In the range between 15 to 525

Torr (20 to 700 mbar) no adjustment is possible;

”---- Torr” is displayed.

Readjustment of VSK 3000


Adjustment at atmospheric pressure

An adjustment at atmospheric pressure is only

possible if the pressure is higher than 525 Torr

(700 mbar).

Vent the measurement connection of the connected external gauge

head VSK 3000. Make sure that the pressure transducer is at atmo-

spheric pressure.

In ”Configuration” menu, select program ”Adjustment” at the DCP 3000.

Use the selection knob to adjust the reading to the current atmospheric


Press the selection knob to confirm.

760 Torr

Note: To determine the actual atmospheric pressure, use an accurate

barometer or get accurate reading from the weather service, or a nearby

airport or other reliable source (taking into account the difference in alti-

tude between the source and the laboratory).