VACUUBRAND DCP 3000 User Manual
Page 39

determined and indicated between two VSK 3000 pressure transducers
connected to the DCP 3000.
This requires one of the two pressure transducers to be defined as
reference (e.g., VACUU•BUS address ”Ref. 1”).
In addition, both pressure transducers have to be configured to cor-
responding VACUU•BUS addresses (VSK x and Ref. x). If the two ad-
dresses do not correspond (VSK x and Ref. y), no differential pressure
will be determined or displayed. Then it is necessary to reconfigure
the address of one pressure transducer to enable differential pressure
measurement (see section ”Reconfiguring the pressure transducer”
The displayed pressure value is: (”pressure value of Ref. x” minus
”pressure value of VSK x”) Torr
Reconfiguring the pressure transducer VSP 3000 or VSK
Configuration of the MPT 100: See instructions for use of MPT 100.
Reconfiguring the VACUU•BUS address of a pressure transducer:
1. Switch the vacuum gauge DCP 3000 off.
2. Preferably connect only the pressure transducer to be reconfigured to
the DCP 3000.
3. Keep the ”VENT” key pressed and switch the DCP 3000 on (”ON/
OFF” key). Release the ”VENT” key.
4. Select the menu item ”Vacuubus” by turning and pressing the selec-
tion knob.
5. The first component detected by the VACUU•BUS is displayed (e.g.,
VSK 1). If necessary, select the pressure transducer to be reconfig-
ured by turning and pressing the selection knob.
6. Press the ”VENT” key and keep pressed, then press additionally the
selection knob. A frame will replace the inverse display of the compo-
nent. Release the ”VENT” key.
7. Turn the selection knob until the address, to which you want to recon-
figure the pressure transducer (e.g., VSK 2 or Ref.1), is displayed.
8. Press the selection knob. If the configuration was successful, the menu
is left and the DCP 3000 will restart.