Appendix e – ini file formats – USL JSD-60 Manual User Manual

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Appendix E – INI File Formats

Many configuration files used by the JSD-60 GUI are plain text ini files. They are located in Documents\USL\JSD-60
and its subdirectories. These files can be edited with a standard text editor to change the operation of the system.
This appendix shows the typical contents of these files. Note that the file contents are described in comments
(where a line starts with #). The configuration file uses a typical PC ini structure in that section are identified with
“[Section]” square braces and parameter following with it name and assigned value “ParameterName=1.” Note
that there are no spaces allowed and all entries will start a column, left justified.

The Automatic Equalization configuration file contains, settling time, bands control, and additional features to be
applied in the execution. For instance, a common parameter adjusted is called QuietLevel, it will determine if the
auditorium has low enough background noise before allowing an automatic equalization to be executed. The
comments above each section describe both the section and parameters.

# This is the initial state for starting automatic EQ.
# Settling - Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait
# before taking a first time SPL reading.
# QuietLevel - This is the upper limit to determine no background
# noise in the auditorium is present.
# ChannelGain - This is the initial starting point for setting the
# starting channel trim level, it must be low enough that with a fader
# level the output SPL in low enough to continue with auto EQ.
# Fader - This is the output fader level setting, trims are used to adjust
# the level.
# EQSPL - Is used for the initial sound level and the level for automatic EQ.
# Decay - The RTA setting for controlling the update rates.

# This state is used for setting up the settings prior to running
# the automatic EQ procedure. An average is created within a valid
# range of the distribution, the Mode. The Mode is a reference
# level that is used to set the gains for the desired SPL for a
# given speaker location.
# StageSPL - Level for stage speakers to be automatically EQ'ed.
# SurroundSPL - Level for surround speakers to be automatically EQ'ed.
# Maximum && Minimum - The upper and lower limits for channels being
# sampled and to be used for generating the current average, Mode.
# Samples - The number of passes to calculate the mode within a valid
# distribution of RTA band samples.
# Settling - Amount of time to wait between updating the average mean, mode.

# When the automatic EQ process is running, there is a