File management, Unit settings – USL JSD-60 Manual User Manual
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connected to the JSD-60, all the settings in that configuration file are sent to the JSD-60. When you connect to a
JSD-60, all the configuration settings in that unit are loaded into the GUI. It is quite possible to operate the GUI
and create configuration files without the JSD-60 being connected. Make sure the new file is saved before
connecting the JSD-60 since the connection will cause the current values in the GUI to be overwritten with the
values in the JSD-60. When the JSD-60 is connected to the GUI and a new configuration file opened, that
configuration data is copied out to the connected JSD-60.
File Management
This group of buttons detailed below deals with loading and saving configuration files from the host computer.
Configuration files are located in the Documents\USL\JSD-60 directory. The JSD-60 uses a text based configuration
file that can be viewed with an editor such as Note Pad. The settings saved to the removable SD memory card are
also text based and can be loaded into the JSD-60 via the Open file operation.
New. Pressing “New” creates a new configuration file with all settings at their default values. It does not
change the settings in the JSD-60 or in the GUI view of the JSD-60. You can use this as a starting point for
configuring a new system (you could also use open Default.j60, as described below). You will be presented
with a “save as” dialog prompting for a name of the new configuration file to be written.
Open. Pressing “Open” allows you to load an existing configuration file. Use Default.j60 to load the factory
defaults. You can then revise the settings and save them under another filename. Note that you may specify
either a “*.j60” or “*.CFG” under file types. The GUI saves files with the j60 extionsion. The SD card uses as
CFG extension.
Save. The “Save” button prompts for the filename under which the configuration data is to be saved. Data can
be restored on a connected unit by using the Open button.
This group of buttons sets communications parameters between the GUI and the JSD-60 and allows connections to
be set up or removed from the discovered list.
Connect. The GUI connects to the JSD-60 specified in the Comm Settings dialog over the specified link.
Disconnect. The GUI disconnects from the currently viewed JSD-60. When the Disconnect button is pressed,
the GUI will ask if you want to save changes to the JSD-60. When “Save Changes” is selected, the current
configuration will be saved to flash memory and will be reloaded the next time the JSD-60 is powered up. If
Save To SD Card is checked, the configuration will be saved to both the SD card and the flash memory when
the Save Changes button is pressed. If “Save Changes” is not selected, the current configuration will not be
saved. Instead, the previous configuration will be loaded on the next power up.
Comm Settings
Press this button to configure the communications link to the JSD-60. The JSD-
60 GUI can communicate with the JSD-60 over Ethernet (TCP/IP), USB, or RS-
232. Click on the appropriate tab to choose the communications line type. If
you find the GUI on occasion disconnects from the JSD-60, try clicking the
Advanced button and increase each of the timeout values. This may be
required on a slow network.
Check "Display automatically detected network devices" to get a list of JSD-60
units the GUI can find on the network. Any device ever found is listed (they do
not disappear if they have not been heard from in a while). Select the
appropriate unit from the list or click "Manual Add" to specify an IP address
for a JSD-60. Use the "Remove" button to remove a displayed unit from the
list. The “Remove All” will clear the list, and allow time for the discovery
process to find units on the network and add them automatically. Once the
desired unit is selected, press OK to exit the dialog.