USL JSD-60 Manual User Manual

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filter plot of the LFE channel includes the effect of the 125Hz low pass filter specified for the LFE channel in SMPTE
EG0432-2-2006. In this view the gain and delay for each LFE can be adjusted (LFE1 and LFE2).

8.10.4 Outputs Tab

The Outputs tab provides a method of trimming the output level of each audio channel, muting the channel,
inverting the phase, or driving it with a generator (pink noise, tone, or a tone sweep). These controls are generally
set one by one from the Equalizer tab. This tab makes all the settings visible at once. In addition, this output tab
allows the user to name each of the channels. The name above each control can be changed as desired. This
information is saved in the JSD-60 and will be restored to the GUI the next time this particular unit is connected to.
The number of output channels is dependent on the channel configuration, for instance if 5.1 is selected, then the
number of output channels is changed to 5.1 (no left or right rear surrounds). A surround delay for each channel
pair can be adjusted for surround channels. The surround delay is set usually based on the length and width of the
auditorium. Formulas to determine the surround delay with auditorium Length and Width in meters and feet are
provided below.