Top Flite Phasoar 035 User Manual

Page 11

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25. Now t r i a l - f i t your wing to the fuselage.

Make sure the wing is centered and that the

leading edge is up against F-4. Holding

these two structures together, observe the
f i t between the bottom of the wing and the
wing saddle area. It may be necessary to
s l i g h t l y bevel the tops of the fuselage
sides and F-1 doublers to get a snug f i t ;

do t h i s now. Once satisfied w i t h the
wing/fuselage f i t , you're ready to make the
hold-down system. Again place the wing on
the fuselage and use weights to hold it
firmly in position. Make sure that the
wing is squarely in position on the
fuselage by taking wingtip-to-tailpost
measurements as shown in the figure below

("X" should equal "X").

Locate the 3/16" dia. dowel from the parts
bag. A 3/16" dia. hole must now be d r i l l e d
through F-4 (see mark) and into the wing's
center w-1 ribs, to a depth of 1-7/8,"

measured from the front face of F-4. Mark

this depth on your d r i l l b i t w i t h a strip
of tape. Once the hole is d r i l l e d , remove
the wing from the fuselage and t r i a l - f i t
the 3/16" dia. dowel in place. Use
sandpaper to s l i g h t l y round the front edge

of the dowel. Now glue the dowel in place

in the wing (clean off any oozing glue).

Once dry, again fit the wing to the
fuselage and use weights to hold it in
place. The rear nylon screw hold-down
system is now made. Start by d r i l l i n g a
hole, with a #29 d r i l l bit, through the
wing's t r a i l i n g edge and through the 1/8"
ply wing screw plate at a s l i g h t l y forward
angle (see plans). Remove the wing from
the fuselage. Enlarge the hole in the
wing's t r a i l i n g edge to a l l o w the 8-32
nylon screw to s l i p through to the head.
Now using either an 8-32 tap or an 8-32
screw (metal), tap the threads into the
hole made in the ply wingscrew plate. Once

the threads have been cut, give them a very
thin coat of instant CA glue and again run
the tap through them. This toughens the
threads in the plywood. R e - f i t the wing to
the fuselage and screw i t in place to again
check the f i t . Note that about 7/8" of the

length of the nylon screw (1-1/2" supplied)

can be trimmed off.

26. Remember that 1/2" length of 1/16" I.D.

aluminum tubing that you saved back when
building the stabilator? Locate it now.

with a 3/32" d r i l l bit, finish the hole

through the f i n (the stab pivot hole). Cut

a 1/4" length of aluminum tubing, clean
each end with a #11 blade and carefully

insert it into the stab pivot hole just

cleared out; do not glue. Attach the
stabilator halves to the fin; just press in
place for now. what we're going to check

for now is alignment, we want to view the
airplane head-on at a bit of a distance.

Place it on a table, facing you, and back-
off a few paces, sighting directly at the

front. Is the wing sitting properly on the
fuselage? Is the stabilator tilted in
relationship to the wing/fuselage or does
it line-up right? If everything else seems
to line-up, we can proceed to finish
sheeting the top, rear of the fuselage. If
it doesn't, we need to know which way to
twist the fin to make everything line-up

properly because once the top, rear
sheeting is installed, it "locks" the

fuselage firmly in place thus making any

such corrections extremely d i f f i c u l t , if
not impossible.

27. If the alignment appears to be OK, remove

the stabilator halves, leave the wing in
place, and carefully cut and glue the 1/16"

balsa sheet (applied cross-grain, as shown)

top, rear decking in place back to the

leading edge of the fin. However, i f some

alignment is needed by having to pull the

top of the fin left or right, now is the
time to do i t , before applying the top,
rear sheeting. This is how it's done. Set
the assembled airplane on a large, flat
table. Height the top of the wing center

section to hold it firmly in place. Again,
sighting directly at the front of the

model, determine which way the fin has to
be tilted. Pull off a long length of
masking tape and stick it to the top of the

fin. Pull against the tape until the fin

is in the right position and stick the

other end to the table, thus preventing the

fin from shifting. With it now properly

aligned, cut, f i t and glue the top, rear
sheeting in place as earlier described.

Let the sheeting dry before removing the

masking tape from the fin and you'll find

that the fin is now properly aligned.

Remove the wing and stabilator halves from