Top Flite TOPA0705 User Manual
Page 31

5. Be sure the cowl is installed before proceeding.
Locate two angle cut blocks. Slide them between the
cowl and the fuselage where shown. Look at the blocks
to be sure they fi t. If they don’t, turn them over and re-
insert them. Determine which side of each block will
be glued to the fuselage. Remove the cowl.
6. Place the block against the fuselage where shown.
Mark the area and then cut the covering away from the
fuselage using the same technique used for removing
covering on the model in earlier steps. Glue the blocks
in place on both sides of the fuselage. Fuel proof the
blocks with paint or a light coat of thinned epoxy.
7. Re-install the cowl, securing it with all of the
screws you installed in step 4. Drill a 3/32" [2.4mm] hole
through the cowl and into the mounting block. Install
a #4 × 1/2" [13mm] screw into the hole, securing the
cowl. Do this for both blocks.
8. Install the prop to the engine. Install the spinner
onto the backplate using the 5mm × 4" [102mm]
spinner bolt.
9. Locate the fi berglass cowl extension. Slide it in
place under the cowl. Trace the outline of the extension
onto the fuselage. Remove the extension. Cut the
covering from the fuselage using the same technique
described on page 16. Glue the extension in place on
the fuselage.
We have provided a cockpit interior that, on its own,
gives a very realistic look to the interior of the aircraft.
With a little time and creative use of additional materials
you can make a very detailed interior. Look through the
following instructions to gain a better understanding of
how the cockpit goes together. The installation shown
here is for the basic cockpit interior. If you are going
to add additional detail you may wish to make those
additions before you assemble the interior. Added
details can be created more easily before the cockpit
is installed.