Top Flite TOPA0705 User Manual

Page 23

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2. We have included 1/8" [3.2mm] plywood spacers

to help space different engines out the required distance
for the engine to fi t the cowl. Drill a 3/16" [4.8mm] hole
through the “+” marks on one of the plywood spacers.
It’s a good idea to fuel proof the spacer. This can be
done by brushing a coat of 6-minute epoxy thinned
with alcohol, or a coat of paint.

3. Install 10-32 Ч 1" [10-32 Ч 25mm] engine mounting

bolts, fl at washers and lock washers from the back of
the fi rewall. (The mounting hardware is not included
in this kit. It should come with the engine. Most likely
the bolts with the engine are too short. You will need
to purchase four of the required bolts.

We strongly

recommend the use of 3/4 in. [19mm] fender
washers on the back side of the fi rewall

). Install


plywood spacers onto the bolts. Apply a drop of

threadlocker to each bolt before installing.



photo shows only one plywood spacer installed but two
are needed for the installation of the DLE-55.

4. For reference, the distance from the front

of the firewall to the front of the drive washer is
6-7/8" [175mm].

Many modelers have their own opinions for connectors
and throttle linkage. We have provided materials for a
secure and safe throttle linkage. We have also included
a method to connect a linkage to the choke. This will
require the use of an additional servo for the choke
linkage. Some modelers may prefer a mechanical
choke linkage. Review the following procedure and
then modify it to fi t your personal preferences.

5. Install a 2-56 ball link and 2-56 nuts to both the

throttle and the choke. Be sure to apply a drop of
thread-locker to the threads on the ball link.

6. Make marks on the fi rewall where the throttle,

choke and fuel line will pass through. Remove the
engine from the standoffs and then drill a 3/16" [4.8mm]
hole through the fi rewall for the throttle and choke.
Drill a 1/4" [6.4mm] hole on the mark for the fuel line.
(Check the diameter of your fuel line to be sure that a
1/4" [6.4mm] hole is correct).

7. Install 18" [457mm] of air line onto the end of

the air tank. Install the Robart air tank into the cradle
in the fuselage. A couple of dabs of silicone sealant
(such as Shoe Goo


) can be applied at the front to

hold the tank in position, but still allow it to be removed
if necessary. A plywood plate will be installed later to
secure the tank.