Top Flite TOPA0705 User Manual
Page 15
1. Glue the 1/4" ×
3/4" [6mm × 19mm]
dowel into the hole
at the rear of the
root rib in the right
2. You will see two holes in the left wing panel. These
holes are to allow the servo leads and the air lines to
exit the wing.
Be sure that you feed all of
the servo leads and all of the air lines through these two
holes before gluing the wings together in the next step.
3. Locate the
hardwood wing joiner
and examine
these pictures to understand how to install the joiner
into the wings. Test fi t the joiner into the wings.
4. When you are satisfi ed with the fi t of the joiner, glue
the joiner into the wing joiner pockets with 30-minute
epoxy. When gluing the wings together be sure that
you use plenty of glue in the joiner pockets, the joiner
and the root ribs of the wing. Use masking tape to hold
the wings together while the glue cures.
5. Test fi t the two 3/8" × 2" [9.5mm × 51mm] wood
dowels into the two holes in the leading edge of the
wing. Place them into the holes so that 3/4" [19mm] of
the dowel extends out of the wing. Make a mark on the
dowel to indicate this distance. Remove the dowel; then,
apply epoxy into the holes and on the dowel. Slide the
dowel into the hole leaving 3/4" [19mm] extending from
the wing. Clean off any excess epoxy with denatured
alcohol and a paper towel.
6. Mount the wing to the fuselage with the two 1/4-
20 × 2" [51mm] nylon wing bolts. Locate the fi berglass
belly pan. Place it on the wing. With a fi ne-tip felt pen,
mark the location on the wing for the belly pan.
7. Following the instructions for cutting MonoKote
in the “Hot Tip” that follows, carefully cut the covering
from the wing, making sure you do not cut the wing skin.
IMPORTANT: Cutting the wing skin will severely
weaken the structure.