Top Flite TOPA0210 User Manual

Page 8

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❏ ❏ 10. Insert a T-pin through the center of the
elevator LE near the tip and near the root. Place a
straightedge across the T-pins and draw a
centerline on the elevator LE with a ball point pen.
This line is used as a reference when we install the
hinges in a later step. Draw a centerline along the TE
of the stab the same way.

❏ ❏ 11. Shape the LE of the elevator to a “V” as
shown on the plan. Use the line you have drawn as
a reference when sanding the LE.

❏ ❏ 12. Final sand the stab and elevator. Shape the
LE of the stab and the TE of the elevator as shown
in the cross-section on the plan. Hint:The Great
Planes Easy Touch Multi-Sander works great for
shaping the round LE and TE.

Build the rudder

❏ 1.Work on a flat surface over the plan. Pin the
rudder plan to the building board and cover the plan
with Plan Protector. The plan may be cut apart if
space is a problem.

❏ 2. Use one 1/4" x 3/8" x 30" [6.4 x 9.5 x 762mm]
balsa stick and leftover pieces of 1/4" x 3/8" x 30"
[6.4 x 9.5 x 762mm] balsa stick from the stab and
elevator to make the frame for the rudder. Cut the
sticks to the shape shown on the plan. Glue the
sticks together the same way the stab and elevator
were assembled.

❏ 3. Draw a centerline on the rudder LE the same
way it was done to the elevator.

❏ 4. Final sand the rudder. Shape the LE to a “V” the
same way it was done for the elevator and as shown
on the plan.

❏ 5. Shape the TE, top and bottom of the rudder to
the rounded shape shown on the plan.

Build the fin

❏ 1. Pin the fuselage plan to the building board and
cover the plan with Plan Protector.

❏ 2. Use one 1/4" x 3/8" x 30" [6.4 x 9.5 x 762mm]
balsa stick to make the frame of the fin. Cut the stick
to the lengths shown on the plan. Pin the sticks in place
as needed. Glue the sticks together to form the fin.

❏ 3. From 1/8" x 1/4" x 30" [3.2 x 6.4 x 762mm] balsa
stick, cut the cross braces and glue them in place at
the location shown on the plan.

❏ 4. Glue the two die-cut 1/8" [3.2mm] balsa aft
dorsal fin
halves together, laminating them to make
a 1/4" [6.4mm] dorsal fin.

❏ 5. From 1/4" x 3" x 24" [6.4 x 76 x 610mm] balsa
sheet, cut the center dorsal fin to the size and
shape shown on the plan.

❏ 6. Glue the aft dorsal fin to the fin. Glue the center
dorsal fin to the aft dorsal fin. All of these parts must
be lying on a flat surface while gluing, to ensure a
flat, straight assembly.