The setup menu:vloop tab – TC-Helicon VoiceLive 2 User manual User Manual

Page 92

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settings previously assigned to your presets but it can be
reversed later if needed.

After assigning the SHORTCUT footswitch, the Home
display will show LOOP [STOP] in any presets in which
it is assigned or all presets if LOOP is assigned globally.
Rhythmic features are disabled when Loop is assigned.

Using Looping

All looping functions are done using one footswitch.

To make a new loop:

1. Assign the SHORTCUT footswitch to looping as
discussed previously.

2. Tap SHORTCUT once on a downbeat of your music
to start recording. Sing and/or play.

3. Tap SHORTCUT again (usually on a downbeat) to
finish recording and play back your loop continuously.
The display shows [PLAY].

To overdub another layer on your loop:

1.Tap SHORTCUT once during playback. Sing.Your new
audio is added to the loop.You can layer continuously if
you like.The display shows [O-DUB].

2.Tap SHORTCUT once to stop recording and continue
playback.You can enter and exit overdubbing at any time
during playback.

To undo the previous overdub:

1. Hold SHORTCUT during overdub or playback. This
can be repeated to redo the overdub. A pop-up will
show LOOP UNDO each time.

To stop loop playback:

1.Tap SHORTCUT twice quickly during playback to stop.
This will briefly enter overdubbing so you should silence
all inputs when stopping playback.

To erase your loop:

1. Hold SHORTCUT for a moment when stopped. A
pop-up will show LOOP ERASED.This is not undo-able.

The Setup Menu:VLOOP Tab