Voicelive 2 for the lead singer – TC-Helicon VoiceLive 2 User manual User Manual
Page 28

This section is for those who do not play an instrument
such as a MIDI keyboard or guitar. You are still able to
experience VoiceLive 2’s vocal harmony effects with
these methods:
o Using fixed Key and Scale
o Singing to music-only playback
o “Borrowing” from another player’s instrument
By this section we assume you have completed the
Quick Start and have your voice set to a comfortable
level in your PA or headphones.
Using A Fixed Key (aka “Scale”)
This is the main method for creating harmony used
successfully in the original VoiceLive processor. Briefly, all
of the chords in an entire song and your melody can
belong to a single “Key”. You can input this key in any
harmony preset by holding the HARMONY footswitch
or using the SET KEY shortcut if it’s assigned in the
current harmony preset.
When the match of Key and song is correct, a fixed Key
is nearly indistinguishable from recorded harmony.There
are limitations however:
o Fixed Key works for many, but not all songs.
o Fixed Key works best with 3rd harmony intervals;
adding the 5th (interval: Higher) reduces the
number of compatible songs.
You should be singing with musical backing and stay true
to a A=440Hz reference. This could be a CD or other
musicians. Choose a simple song to start with.
Determine the Key of your song; this is often the first or
VoiceLive 2 for the Lead Singer