The edit menu: harmony tab – TC-Helicon VoiceLive 2 User manual User Manual

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parameter has elapsed.


The Tuning parameter allows you to affect tiny pitch
adjustments to your harmony intervals to achieve Equal,
Just or Barbershop tuning. Each preset can have a
different value for TUNING.

Equal tuning is the “compromised” tuning standard that
instruments such as guitar and keyboards are designed
to produce.This tuning mode allows you to play and sing
in any key without completely retuning your instrument
for every chord. When your harmonies are set to this
mode, the harmony notes produced by VoiceLive 2 will
sound exactly in tune with the Equal-tuned instruments
you use for accompaniment.

Just tuning is what is known as "perfect" intonation
between your lead voice and harmony intervals. This is
the tuning that occurs when singers sing a cappella, or
without instruments. The pitches of major and minor
thirds, fifth intervals and others are brought into exact
mathematical symmetry with your lead voice by

introducing very small pitch shifts to the harmonies
which overcomes the slight "beating" of harmonics that
occurs with Equal tuning mode. Because of this, however,
the harmony intervals may sound infinitesimally out of
tune with your instrument.

Barbershop has the same tuning offsets as Just tuning
mode with one difference. Barbershop tuning uses your
singing voice
as the pitch reference where Just intonation
uses the root of the current chord played via MIDI.


The Harmony EQ settings are separate from the Global
TONE control.This allows customizing of the EQ of the
Harmony and Double voices separately from the lead.
For a description of the EQ controls, see the Global
TONE parameter description when MANUAL is ON.


Controls the lead (dry + Tone) voice level when the
individual effect is turned on with its respective
footswitch. This allows a unique wet/dry mix for
individual effects. When multiple effects are active, the

The Edit Menu: HARMONY Tab