The global controls:tone – TC-Helicon VoiceLive 2 User manual User Manual
Page 45

The ADAPTIVE Compression algorithm performs
automatic processing which reduces the amount of
adjustable parameters. As such, once ADAPTIVE is
enabled, the only control is COMPRESS.
This allows you to vary the amount of peak reduction by
the ADAPTIVE compression algorithm.The factory value
is 50% but you can increase or decrease as you require.
Turning off ADAPTIVE compression switches
compression to manual control. Be sure to reduce the
level of your PA or switch to headphones when adjusting
the manual compressor because high settings can cause
more gain and thus feedback.
This sets the singing level at and above which the
amount of gain reduction (compression) specified by
the RATIO control will occur. The range is 0 dB to -30
dB: 0 dB being the loudest input signal VoiceLive 2 can
accept without distortion and -30 dB being a very quiet
signal. If you sing consistently more quietly than the
THRESHOLD, you will not hear any compression. You
can see your input level on the IN meter on the Home
screen. A good setting for experimentation is -10 dB.
This sets how much gain reduction you prefer when
your voice level goes above the threshold. The range is
from 1:1 (no gain reduction) to 4:1 (maximum vocal gain
reduction ).The default setting for RATIO is 4:1.
The number on the left side of the : (colon) symbol is
how loud the peaks in your singing have to be in order
to achieve a 1 dB gain increase. A brief example of how
adjusting the ratio of compressor works is this: say a
word you sang went 4 dB over the threshold when the
Ratio was set to 4:1.The compressor would only allow it
to go 1 dB louder.
The Global Controls:Tone