The setup menu:vloop tab – TC-Helicon VoiceLive 2 User manual User Manual
Page 91

Looping is a new feature for firmware version 1.3. The
VLOOP tab offers control of new parameters required
for looping. After the parameter descriptions below is a
discussion of how to loop with VoiceLive 2.
Turning this parameter to OFF doubles the amount of
looping time available with the trade-off that you will not
be able to undo the previous overdub.The default value
is ON which gives 15 seconds of stereo looping. Note
that if you have the OUTPUT parameter in the I/O tab
of the Setup menu set to MONO, you have 30 seconds
of loop time with UNDO set to ON.
This helps reduce audio overload when adding new
recorded audio to a loop (“overdubbing”). It does so by
reducing the level of each successive loop playback.The
value is the multiplier of the previous playback in
percent. A setting of 50% would sound like an echo unit
where the echoes (loops) taper off audibly.
Using VLoop
VLoop allows you to create short, layered audio
recordings on the fly. All analog audio inputs are
recorded into the loop including Mic input, vocal effects,
Guitar and Aux In. MIDI and USB inputs are not
recorded. VoiceLive 2 is capable of one loop with as
many layers as you want. Loops are erased during power
off cycles.
Getting Ready
The SHORTCUT footswitch is used to initiate the
looping features.You can assign it to LOOP in individual
presets or globally. Your use depends on whether you
require different Shortcut settings in different presets or
not. If you do, then it’s best to select a preset or presets
whose effects would be useful for looping and assign
their Shortcut to LOOP. This parameter is found under
the PRESET tab in the Edit menu.
If you want looping available in all presets, set the
GLOBAL SHORTCUT parameter in the SYSTEM tab of
the Setup menu to LOOP.This will override all Shortcut
The Setup Menu:VLOOP Tab