The setup menu: midi tab – TC-Helicon VoiceLive 2 User manual User Manual

Page 86

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Sets the MIDI channel that VoiceLive 2 uses for presets
and MIDI harmony control. When a NATURALPLAY
preset is set to MIDI NOTES 4 CH, the channel
selected is the channel used for VOICE 1. The MIDI
channel for VOICE 2 is the selected MIDI channel + 1,
VOICE 3 is +2,VOICE 3 is plus 3.


Allows MIDI Program Change or System Exclusive
messages to be ignored for convenience.


Sets a separate MIDI channel for CC control if desired.


This transposes the harmony voices in MIDI NOTES
mode to allow it to be controlled by upper or lower
sections of a MIDI keyboard if required. The value
corresponds to octaves.


(Split Direction) Sets whether MIDI notes ABOVE or

BELOW the split point are used to control MIDI NOTES
presets only.


Sets the MIDI note above or below which the keyboard
split will be active.


(MIDI System Exclusive ID number) When addressing
multiple VoiceLive 2 units on the same MIDI In/Thru
chain with a Sysex editor, each one should have its own
ID or they all will be edited in the same way.


Specifies how the Mod Wheel message affects vibrato if
it is enabled in a preset. The Boost setting (default) will
add more vibrato once the part of the wheel movement
reaches the corresponding amount of vibrato and then
returns to the original amount at rest position. The
Manual setting allows full range control of vibrato once
the wheel is moved. To restore the factory vibrato
amount, recall the preset.

The Setup Menu: MIDI Tab