Warning – loaded pistol – SIG SAUER P290 User Manual
Page 23

when it counts
waRning – loaded Pistol
THe PiSTol iS noW loaded and ready To fire.
Step 3
Step 4b
Step 4a
always make sure the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction! never attempt to
load or unload any firearm inside a vehicle,building, or other confined space
(except a properly constructed shooting range). enclosed areas frequently
offer no completely safe direction to point the firearm; if an accidental
discharge occurs, there is great risk of bodily injury or property damage.
Before loading, always clean all grease and oil from the bore and chamber,
and check to be certain that no obstruction is in the barrel. any foreign matter
in the barrel could result in a bulged or burst barrel or other damage to the
firearm, and could cause serious injury to the shooter or to others.