0 ammunition, Warning – ammunition (cartridge) notice – SIG SAUER P290 User Manual
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when it counts
3.0 ammunition
1. use only high-quality, original, factory-manufactured ammunition. do not
use cartridges that are dirty, wet, corroded, bent, or damaged. do not oil
cartridges. do not spray aerosol-type lubricants, preservatives, or cleaners
directly onto cartridges or where excess spray may flow into contact
with cartridges. lubricant or other foreign matter on cartridges can cause
potentially dangerous ammunition malfunctions. only use ammunition
of the caliber for which your firearm is chambered. The proper caliber is
permanently engraved on your firearm; never attempt to use ammunition of
any other caliber.
2. The use of reloaded, “remanufactured” hand-loaded, or other non-
standard ammunition voids all warranties. reloading is a science and
improperly loaded ammunition can be extremely dangerous. Severe damage
to the firearm and serious injury to the shooter or to others may result.
always use ammunition that complies with the industry performance
standards established by the Sporting arms and ammunition Manufacturers’
institute, inc. (SaaMi) of the united States or ammunition manufactured to
military specifications.
waRning – ammunition (caRtRidge)
Sig Sauer SPecifically diSclaiMS reSPonSiBiliTy for any daMage
or inJury WHaTSoeVer occurring in connecTion WiTH, or aS a
reSulT of, THe uSe in any Sig Sauer firearM of faulTy, non-
STandard, “reManufacTured” Hand-loaded (reloaded) aMMuniTion,
or carTridgeS oTHer THan THoSe for WHicH THe firearM WaS
originally cHaMBered.