SIG SAUER SP2009 User Manual
Sig pro, Handling & safety instructions

sig pro
sig pro
Handling & Safety Instructions
Handling & Safety Instructions
SP2022, SP2009, SP2340
SP2022, SP2009, SP2340
Please read and understand this owner’s manual
before taking your new SIGARMS pistol out of
the box. It is vital to your safety and to the
safety of others that you accurately follow
the information contained in this m a n u a l , a s
w e l l a s t h e information supplied by the
ammunition manufacturer. If y o u h a v e a n y
q u e s t i o n s , please call or write:
18 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833
(603) 772-2302
OM-SIGPRO-USA 6-2005.qxp 6/1/2005 8:52 AM Page 1