Warning – lodged bullet – SIG SAUER P290 User Manual
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when it counts
6. if there is any reason to suspect that a bullet is obstructing the barrel,
immediately unload the firearm and look through the bore. it is not sufficient
to merely look in the chamber. a bullet may be lodged some distance down
the barrel where it cannot easily be seen.
waRning – lodged bullet
if a BulleT iS in THe Bore, do noT aTTeMPT To SHooT iT ouT By uSing
anoTHer carTridge or By BloWing iT ouT WiTH a BlanK or one
froM WHicH THe BulleT HaS Been reMoVed. SucH TecHniQueS can
generaTe eXceSSiVe PreSSure, daMage THe firearM, and cauSe
SeriouS PerSonal inJury.
if the bullet can be removed with a cleaning rod, clean any unburned
powder grains from the bore, chamber, and mechanism before resuming
shooting. if the bullet cannot be dislodged by tapping it with a cleaning rod,
send the firearm to Sig Sauer.
7. dirt, corrosion, or other foreign matter on a cartridge can impede
complete chambering and may cause the cartridge case to burst upon firing.
The same is true of cartridges that are damaged or deformed.
8. do not oil cartridges, and be sure to wipe the chamber clean of any
oil or preservative before commencing to shoot. oil interferes with the
friction between cartridge case and chamber wall that is necessary for safe
functioning, and subjects the firearm to stress similar to that imposed by
excessive pressure.
9. use lubricants sparingly on the moving parts of your firearm. avoid
excessive spraying of any aerosol gun care product, especially where it may