SeaLand M Series Vacuum Pump User Manual

Page 8

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dometic Corporation warrants, to the original purchaser only, that this product, if used for personal, family or household
purposes, is free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase.
If this dometic product is placed in commercial or business use, it will be warranted, to the original purchaser only, to
be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase.
dometic reserves the right to replace or repair any part of this product that proves, upon inspection by dometic, to be
defective in material or workmanship. all labor and transportation costs or charges incidental to warranty service are
to be borne by the purchaser-user.

In no eVent sHall doMetIC Be lIaBle For InCIdental or ConseQuentIal daMaGes, For
daMaGes resultInG FroM IMproper InstallatIon, or For daMaGes Caused BY neGleCt, aBuse,
alteratIon or use oF unautHorIZed CoMponents. all IMplIed WarrantIes, InCludInG anY IMplIed
WarrantY oF MerCHantaBIlItY or FItness For anY partICular purpose, are lIMIted to a perIod oF
one Year FroM date oF purCHase.

no person is authorized to change, add to, or create any warranty or obligation other than that set forth herein.
Implied warranties, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to one (1) year
from the date of purchase for products used for personal, family or household purposes, and ninety (90) days from the
date of purchase for products placed in commercial or business use.

some states do not allow limitations on the duration of an implied warranty and some states do not allow
exclusions or limitations regarding incidental or consequential damages; so, the above limitations may not apply to you.
this warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.
to obtain warranty service, first contact your local dealer from whom you purchased this product.

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© dometic Corporation
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13128 SR 226 | Po boX 38

bIg PRAIRIE, ohIo 44611 USA