OmniSistem Q Scan User Manual
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Congratulations on purchasing one of the most versatile laser projection systems available in today’s laser
industry. Keeping with the tradition of Quality the “Q” in Q-Scan says the same. From the housing and
mounting designs, the Q-Link software, Lightspeed
animations, and the variety of scan projections the Q-
Scan exceeds all expectations for a compact low cost scan and graphics system.
The Q-Scan was designed to bridge the gap between expensive laser graphics equipment and low cost
scanning technology and succeeded with smashing success.
Features include:
1. Real-time math patterns
2. Beams
3. Fans
4. Tunnels
5. Lightspeed
Graphics and Animations
6. Instant text (Position able and Reversible)
7. Beam blanking
8. Closed loop scanners
9. Multi-tasking software
10. Sound control of most modes and aspects
11. DMX-512 control using just 8 DMX channels
12. PC control via 9-pin RS232 serial
13. PC control via 25-pin Digital parallel
14. Remote Keypad control
15. Small package size
16. Low power consumption
Q-Scan Unit Size= 6.5" wide, 5.5" tall, 5.5" deep
Manufactured in a rigid piece metal housing with extruded faceplate.
Back panel configuration:
• 9 Pin RS232 connector
• 25 Pin Parallel digital input connector
• Dual XRL DMX in and through connector jacks
• Power plug for external power pack (5-pin) or 120/240 AC universal (3-pin)
• Select switch for internal Mic enables on position 10 of dipswitch
• 9 position dip switch for DMX-512 base addressing (1=LSB, 9=MSB)
• Microphone hole for local sound input
• Standard Audio mono input jack
• Sound sensitivity adjustment
• LED on indicates unit ready and flashing indicates DMX input receive is active
The dipswitches located on the back of the Q-Scan do 3 jobs:
1. If powered up as all zeros then a broken circle appears for calibration.
2. Addresses 1 to 511 for the DMX base address uses switches 1-9.
3. Dip Switch 10, if set on, disables the internal microphone.