OmniSistem Q Scan User Manual
Page 22
Example: (Give it a Try)
Click the first Mode button, set the faders and click Record 1.
Click the next Mode button, set the faders and click Record 1 again.
Click the next Mode button, set the faders and click Record 1 again.
Now, click the first Mode button again and the faders are restored to your first set of settings.
Then, click the next Mode button and the faders are restored to your second set of settings.
You may pre-define all 16 modes and faders under a single record button.
This procedure can be repeated for all 9 record buttons for a total of 144 unique settings and 36 unique lines
of text.
If you prefer a specific mode be the default for that record then click the desired mode again, see your
settings, and click the record one last time.
The "LAST" mode recorded under a record button becomes the default setting.
By clicking a Page button, all 16 modes and 4 lines of text become set, with the last recorded mode
becoming the current active setting (default).
You may go down the line of all the Pages 1-9 and see their defaults.
Also note that the last Page button clicked changes the Label color to identify the currently active preset.
Above each Record button is a Label Window. This can be used 1 of 2 ways.
The Label can defined a category for all the modes under it such as GROUP#1, GROUP#2, etc.
Or; the label can be used to define a name you assign to the default, such as Flower, Spray, Fans, etc.
The Name Labels are changed by mouse clicking in the Label window, deleting the current text by DEL or
Back-Space and then re-typing a preferred label.
After setting all (or some) of the modes, capturing them and setting the Labels, you may click the Save
A dialog box will open that allows you to save all of your settings to a single FILENAME.WAD file of your
You may replace an existing file or make a new one.
Be sure to use a file extension name of .WAD or don't type the extension name at all and the program will
assign the .wad extension automatically.
Click Load button to load a previously saved .wad file. The first 8 letters of this filename will appear in the
label window just below the Load button.