7 understanding the uc4.5 system – NORAC UC4.5-BC Operator Manual User Manual
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7 Understanding the UC4.5 System
The UC4.5 Spray Height Control System will work well in most situations. As with any
equipment, it is important that the operator remain alert at all times. There may be some
situations and terrain where performance is limited and in these situations the operator must
resume manual control of the booms.
Sprayer hydraulics and boom suspension systems are the governing components to boom
reaction time. The maximum hydraulic speed of the boom is determined by the sprayer
manufacturer and is not diminished by the addition of the UC4.5 hydraulic system.
7.1 Ditches, Waterways and Outside Rounds
In many situations, it is necessary to spray with one sensor reading over terrain that does not
reflect the same situation of the rest of the boom. These situations may arise when spraying
over ditches, waterways, or field edges. When spraying in these situations, the operator must
remain alert and override the height control system when necessary.
7.2 Driving Through Ditches and Over Terraces
Changes in terrain such as driving over terraces or through ditches are special performance
situations. This type of terrain can cause the sprayer to pitch and roll significantly and when
operating at high speeds this can cause rapid changes in boom tip height. Sprayer hydraulic
systems are not capable of tip speeds high enough to correct for the boom tip error. There
are two solutions to this problem.
The first is for the operator to recognize these situations before they occur and manually
raise the boom to a safe height.
The second is to add the Roll Control option, if one is available for the specific sprayer.
This will compensate for the sprayer roll and make the required corrections faster and
smoother, allowing for increased boom protection and higher spraying speeds. For a
description of the Roll Control, see Section 9.4.
7.3 Soil Mode, Crop Mode and Hybrid Mode
Height sensors use “smart sensor” technology, which take measurements from both the top of
crop canopy and from the soil surface. This allows the user to select Hybrid, Crop or Soil
Mode. In Soil Mode the target height is measured from the soil to the sprayer nozzle. In Crop
Mode the target height is measured from the crop canopy to the sprayer nozzle. Hybrid mode
uses a combination of the crop and oil readings to improve control.
Hybrid and Crop Mode are usually used when operating in mature cereal grains, row crops or
specialty crops. Soil Mode is generally used to follow the ground through young crops, stubble
or normal trash.
In row-crops, Hybrid Mode will work best with the sensor placed directly above a row.