Reference amplifier, Balanced mode radiator (bmr) loudspeaker, Industrial design – LR Baggs Acoustic Reference Amplifier User Manual

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RefeRence amplifieR

When designing this product, we felt that the name “guitar Amp” did not fully capture the capabilities of this product. In fact, we found
that we enjoyed listening to all kinds of live and recorded music through it. To us, it felt much more like a reference monitor than a guitar
amp. We began to test the quality by comparing it to audiophile speakers that are used in recording studios. each time, the sound of this
product really grabbed us as having a quality much like a very good reference system. so, we decided we should call it what it really is
- an Acoustic Reference Amplifier.

BalanceD moDe RaDiatoR (BmR) louDspeaKeR

BMR Wide Dispersion

Conventional Loudspeaker Dispersion

inDustRial DesiGn

An important factor in the Acoustic Reference Amplifier is the visual design. We spent countless
hours talking about how to design a product to fit alongside your coffee table as well as being a
high profile and durable stage feature. We wanted to have the feel of new, cutting edge design and
combine it with the feel of acoustic instruments.

This led us to the rugged “structural Foam” casing that is made out of the same material that flight
cases are made with. The wood panels are designed with a slight “retro” look but with a touch of
modern flair. The aluminum handle was designed to get rid of the old rubber-strap amp handle and
have the handle integrated into the overall design. The other metal portions such as the steel grill
and the aluminum back panel are durable features to protect the components inside.

At the heart of the amplifier is a patented Balanced Mode Radiator. The BMR is a new type of loudspeaker that

has its world debut in the Acoustic Reference Amplifier. It creates and radiates sound in a fundamentally

different and better way. This groundbreaking innovation is the brainchild of the eminent speaker

designer Dr. graham Bank and was specifically adapted for acoustic guitar in collaboration with our

engineers. exclusive to lR Baggs, this fully custom flat 8” honeycomb-diaphragm speaker employs

a single 2” voice coil to generate a 140-degree wide full range conical sound field with a clean sPl

of 108 dB. As all frequencies are generated by the one flat diaphragm, there are no crossovers or

time distortions to smear and muddy the sound. Harmonics align naturally with fundamentals, so

clarity and detail are breathtaking but without the normal harshness or annoying directionality

of a multi-driver system.

unlike conventional multi-driver loudspeakers, the new BMR design combines the best features of

pistonic behavior, for low frequency control, with the best features of bending wave sound creation

for wide high frequency dispersion. This behavior closely mimics the way a guitar top generates

sound. This organic connection between the guitar and the BMR speaker makes it ideal for bringing the

voice of the acoustic guitar to life.

A B o u T