LR Baggs X-Bridge: Fixed User Manual
LR Baggs Microphones

I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L & U S E R ' S G U I D E
X - B R I D G E ( F I X E D )
4 8 3 N . F R O N T A G E R D .
N I P O M O , C A 9 3 4 4 4
W W W . L R B A G G S . C O M
1 . P A C K A G E C O N T E N T S
One (1) fully assembled X-Bridge
Five (5) mounting screws
One (1) prewired stereo output jack with washer and nut
One (1) volume pot (5 Megohm) with pre-soldered capacitor
One (1) hex wrench for tremolo arm and saddle height adjustments
One (1) piece of 10" insulator sleeve
One (1) coaxial cable
2 . O V E R V I E W A N D C A U T I O N S
The Fixed X-Bridge is made as a replacement for the basic Strat-type fixed bridge, but will replace many other fixed bridges with some
modifications. It is intended for use only with guitars that have through-body string holes. The passive stereo kit provides for independent
outputs for the magnetic and X-Bridge pickups via the tip and ring contacts of a stereo jack. A volume pot for the passive X-Bridge takes the place
of the middle tone control. The tone functions are summed onto the other tone pot.
The included wiring directions are intended for a typical three-knob Strat but may be altered to suit other configurations.
We do not provide installation advice or support for home or hobbyist installations. Installers: please read the instructions carefully before
proceeding. We will not be responsible for any damage to the guitar or personal injury resulting from installation, use or misuse of the product.
Do not lift the saddles up off the bridge plate to see how high they will go! This tempting investigation has a high probability of damaging
the pickup. There is ample pickup wire to allow the full range of saddle movement for height and intonation.
3 . I N S T A L L A T I O N
1. After removing the existing bridge from your guitar, lay your new X-Bridge on the top surface and line p the six string holes in the bridge with
the six string holes in the body. Check to see if the five holes in the bridge for the mounting screws line up with the holes in the body from the
bridge that you are replacing. If so, continue with step 3. Otherwise, see step 2.
2. If the holes do not line up you will need to drill new holes with a 3/32" drill bit. With the bridge in position over the six string holes, scribe a
mark in each of the five screw holes, remove the bridge and drill the holes 7/8" deep. It may be necessary to fill the original holes prior to drilling
the new ones. Do not mount the bridge to the body at this point.
3. Remove the existing ground wire that goes from the old bridge to the control cavity.
4. Both ends of the coaxial cable are pre-separated; if you line up the ends you'll see that one end is shorter than the other. The short end gets
soldered to the circuit board on the bottom side of the bridge. On the circuit board there is one round solder pad and one square solder pad.
Solder the tip of the braided wire to the square pad and the inner wire
to the round one. Be careful to keep the solder connections as flat as
possible so that the bridge will sit evenly on the body of the guitar.
5. Temporarily feed the coax wire into the electronics cavity through
the original ground wire hole (in some cases it may be necessary to
slightly enlarge this hole) and set the X-Bridge on top of the guitar, in
6. Temporarily screw the bridge onto the body. When you tighten down
the screws, the high points from the solder connections will likely
prevent the bridge from sitting flat against the top. If the screws will
not completely draw the bride against the top under reasonable
pressure, remove the bridge and slightly deepen the indentations in
the top caused by the solder pads and coax (using a dremel router or a
small chisel) until the bridge will sit flat on the top. Do not make the
indentation for the coax too deep; the braided portion of the coax will
become the new bridge ground wire. To make adequate ground
connection it must be under pressure when the bridge is secured to the
7. Now attach the X-Bridge to the guitar with the mounting screws
8. Cover the coax wire inside the electronics cavity with the 10" piece of
insulator sleeve provided (you may need to trim this to size). Use the
cable tie to secure the insulation sleeve and to bundle the other wires
together, as appropriate.
fig. 1
Note: braiding grounds to bridge