LR Baggs Acoustic Reference Amplifier User Manual
Page 10

1) D.i. pRe/post sWitcH
This pushbutton switch allows you to add the eq and internal reverb to the D.I. output or to send a “dry” signal straight from the Channel
Input stage. When playing live or recording in a venue where you have an audio engineer that will set a mix for you in the house, you
will usually want to send them a “dry” signal, with no eq or reverb and let them set the sound for the house P.A. system. This is the most
common way to D.I. your signal so we have made this the default “out” setting. When in a situation where you must have complete control
of your own sound in the P.A. system, you can push this button “in” to send the same signal you hear from the amplifier with the P.A.
2) D.i. out
The D.I. output is a balanced XlR male jack. This is a common way to connect directly into the microphone input on a mixing desk with
a standard microphone cable. The signal level will be at around a -10dB at a 300 ohms impedance level so you will have plenty of signal
strength to send down long cables.
3) D.i. GRounD lift
This pushbutton may help defeat ground loop buzz that may occur if the amplifier is run through the D.I. output to the mixing desk. A
ground loop is caused by multiple paths to the Mains earth ground by way of more than one piece of equipment. However, in many cases,
using a ground lift switch such as this is sufficient. Heed this warning:
WaRninG: never use a 3-prong to 2-prong adapter on the power plug nor break off or disconnect
the ground connection of a power plug in order to defeat a ground loop or for any other reason.
this is very dangerous and can lead to electric shock, injury or death.
4) line out
The 1/4” line output has two distinct uses. First you can use it as a standard, pre-master line level output that is an alternative to the XlR
D.I. out. The line out will always be post eq and post internal reverb. However, you can switch the line out to be post master vol as well.
The benefit of this is when linking to a separate powered monitor or amplifier, you can use one volume control to adjust the volume level
of both cabinets. This is often called “Daisy-Chaining” and is described in the “Daisy-Chaining Amplifiers” part of the TIPs, TRICks AnD
HoW To’s section.
5) line out pRe/post sWitcH
This pushbutton switches the line output from being pre master vol or post master vol. see “line out” directly above for a brief description
or “ Daisy-Chaining Amplifiers “ in the TIPs, TRICks AnD HoW To’s section for more details.
note: Be careful when switching from post master vol to pre master vol because the volume will come on fully.
6) HeaDpHone out
All discrete, left and right stereo headphone output for playing your guitar with the amplifier’s speaker shut off. When you plug into this
jack, the amplifier’s speaker is automatically muted.
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