LR Baggs Acoustic Reference Amplifier User Manual

Page 5

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1) maKe suRe poWeR sWitcH is off - The “o” indicator on the switch is pushed in.

2) if neeDeD, select 230vac settinG - The amplifier is preset to the 115VAC setting (usA standard). If needed, select

the 230VAC (europe) on the Voltage selector using a coin or screwdriver.

3) pluG in tHe amplifieR - Plug the included power cable into the amplifier IeC Input Module first and then into the wall


4) tuRn masteR volume DoWn - Make sure the master vol is turned all the way counter-clockwise.

5) tuRn tHe amplifieR on - The “|” indicator is pushed in. As the power comes on the Vu meter backlight should light

up. The amp may take a few seconds to come completely on.

6) pluG in tHe GuitaR - Plug the cable into the guitar or instrument of choice and then into Ch1.

7) aDJust tHe Gain - strum the guitar to check level of the Vu Meter as you turn the gain control up clockwise (optimally,

the Vu meter is set correctly when the needle peaks around 0dB).

8) un-mute cH1 (or Ch2 if you chose that channel) - Check the mute light. If it is lighted, then un-mute the channel by

pushing the mute button. The light should now be off.

9) aDJust tHe masteR volume - Turn the master volume knob clockwise to desired volume level.

10) enJoY! - (repeat as necessary)

WARnIng: PleAse ReAD THe sAFeTy InsTRuCTIons BeFoRe usIng THe AMPlIFIeR.



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