LR Baggs Stagepro Element User Manual
LR Baggs Microphones

U s e r ’ s G u i d e
S p e c i f i c a t i o n S
Size: 3.5” x 2.8” x 2.2”
Weight (including battery): 5.6 oz.
Battery: single 9v
current consumption: Preamp-4.5mA, Tuner-14mA
Battery Life: 100+ hrs
Bass: +/- 9dB @ 80 Hz
Mid: +5/-9 @ 1kHZ
treble: +/- 12 dB unweighted
Signal to noise: -90dB unweighted
input impedance: 10 MegOhms
output impedance: 620 ohms
notch filter: off to 320hZ (sweepable),
1/8 octave, fixed -18 dB
483 NOrTH FrONTAGe rd., NiPOMO, CA 93444
PHONe (805) 929-3545 FAx (805) 929-2043
lr Baggs warrants to the using purchaser that this product
shall be free from defects in workmanship and materials under
normal and proper use for a period of one (1) year.
See also other documents in the category LR Baggs Microphones:
- Anthem: Installation Manual (5 pages)
- Anthem SL: Installation Manual (4 pages)
- Stagepro Anthem (6 pages)
- Anthem SL Classical (4 pages)
- M80 (6 pages)
- M1A (6 pages)
- M1 (6 pages)
- Element Active System (2 pages)
- iBeam Active System (5 pages)
- iMix (7 pages)
- Dual Source (4 pages)
- LB6 Series (2 pages)
- Violin Pickup (1 page)
- Five.O. Ukulele Pickup (6 pages)
- Radius Mandolin (2 pages)
- X-Bridge: US Standard (2 pages)
- X-Bridge: Fixed (2 pages)
- X-Bridge: Vintage (2 pages)
- T-Bridge (3 pages)
- Control-X Preamp (6 pages)
- Venue DI (12 pages)
- Para DI (2 pages)
- Gigpro (2 pages)
- Mixpro (3 pages)
- Acoustic Reference Amplifier (20 pages)
- Acoustic Timbre (3 pages)
- Buffer Jack (1 page)
- Deluxe Acoustic EQ (2 pages)
- Double Barrel (3 pages)
- Duet II (2 pages)
- Element Onboard System (3 pages)
- iBeam Onboard (8 pages)
- iBeam Onboard-Sm (7 pages)
- iMix Onboard (8 pages)
- Micro EQ (3 pages)
- Microdrive II (1 page)
- Ribbon Transducer (2 pages)
- RTS 2 (3 pages)
- RT System (2 pages)
- Strapjack Plus (1 page)