1) voltage selector switch, 2) power switch, 3) power input module with fuse holder – LR Baggs Acoustic Reference Amplifier User Manual

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1) voltaGe selectoR sWitcH

you must correctly select the appropriate voltage for the location in which you will be using the
amplifier. The markings are for 115V 60Hz and 230V 50Hz because these are the most common.
However, the power supply is able to handle a wider range of power options shown in the
sPeCIFICATIons section towards the end of the user Manual.

2) poWeR sWitcH

The power switch will turn the unit on and off. For safety purposes, be sure to disconnect the power
cord when the amplifier will not be in use for long periods of time.

The “|” indicator at the top of the switch indicates that the switch is “on” when that side of the switch
is pushed in. The “o” indicator at the bottom of the switch indicates that the switch is “off” when that
bottom portion of the switch is pushed in. you should always have the switch in the “off” position
when plugging in and unplugging the power cord.

3) poWeR input moDule WitH fuse HolDeR

The IeC input will accept any standard connection such as a computer power cable. For simplicity, the
fuse holder is built into this mains connection. The fuse type should be: slow blow, time-lag, 5mm x
20mm, 250V. see below for amperage rating.

To access the fuse drawer:
1. Make sure that the power plug is disconnected from the Power Input Module.
2. With a small screwdriver, coin or fingernail, pry the fuse drawer out by using the small tab at the
top of the fuse drawer, which is just above the symbol of the fuse on the drawer.
3. The drawer contains a slot for the working fuse (the back, exposed slot) and a space for an extra
fuse (the front enclosed space).
4. ReAD THe WARnIng BeloW BeFoRe CHAngIng THe Fuse.

In most cases, the T2.5AH fuse will be sufficient for use in the 115V setting. However, under the most demanding circumstances such as
high ambient temperatures or long intense playing sessions (more than 2-3 hours of constant high level playing), the T3.15AH fuse might
be preferred. The power amplifier should perform just fine with the T2.5AH fuse. However, if you notice that you have blown a fuse that
was rated T2.5AH in the 115V setting only, you should try using a T3.15AH rated fuse. only use A 2.5AH Fuse In THe 230V seTTIng. Do
noT use A T3.15AH Fuse In THe 230V seTTIng.

note: The amplifier is shipped with fuses that can be used for the 115V and the 230V setting.

for the 115v setting use a t2.5aH (supplied) or a t3.15aH fuse maximum.

for the 230v setting use a t2.5aH fuse only.

WaRninG: tHe fuse sHoulD neveR Be ReplaceD BY anYtHinG otHeR tHan tHe

appRopRiate fuse. You sHoulD neveR use foil,

WiRe oR anY otHeR conDuctive mateRial to Replace tHe fuse.

P o W e R M o D u l e s