LR Baggs T-Bridge User Manual
LR Baggs Microphones

I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L & U S E R ' S G U I D E
T - B R I D G E
4 8 3 N . F R O N T A G E R D .
N I P O M O , C A 9 3 4 4 4
W W W . L R B A G G S . C O M
1 . P A C K A G E C O N T E N T S
One (1) assembled T-Bridge
Two (2) adjustable bridge posts with threaded collars
One (1) summing circuit board
One (1) piece of insulating tape
One (1) piece of copper shielding tape
One (1) piece of double-stick white foam tape
One (1) length of coaxial cable
One (1) 5meg volume pot
One (1) stereo output jack
2 . O V E R V I E W A N D C A U T I O N S
The T-Bridge can fit onto many popular guitars equipped with tune-o-matic-style bridges without the need for serious modification to the
instrument. It requires approximately .120" to .200" of clearance below the bottom surface of the bridge for the wires. These instructions assume
that the installation will be performed on a guitar that is already set up to accept the physical dimensions and post spacing of the bridge.
We recommend that this system be installed by a professional dealer/installer. We do not provide installation advice or support for home or
hobbyist installations. Installers: please read the instructions carefully before proceeding. We will not be responsible for any damage to the guitar
or personal injury resulting from installation, improper installation, use or misuse of the product.
3 . I N S T A L L A T I O N
1. Drill a 5/16" hole for the wires from directly beneath the center of the bridge into the electronics cavity. In some cases you can angle the hole
directly towards the cavity, although you must be careful not to intersect the post hole. If you can not drill a straight hole without running into
the post, another option is to drill a hole into the magnetic pickup cavity and from there into the electronics cavity; in most cases there is enough
room inside the pickup cavity for the wires.
2. Bundle the wires together and feed them into the electronics cavity.
3. A circuit board is provided with this bridge for the purpose of summing together the six pickups into one single mono output. These pickups
may also be used hexaphonically, but this use is not described in these instructions.
4. Solder the inner wires of the coaxial cables to the round solder pads on the circuit board and the braided wires to the square pads as shown in
figure 1. You may need to strip the ends of the wires so they line up with the solder pads on the summing board before soldering.
5. To eliminate hum you must shield the circuit board. Peel off one side of the backing from the insulating tape and cover all of the signal/hot
connections with it (see figure 2). Next, peel the backing from the copper shielding tape and lay it over the insulating tape with the edges
touching the ground pad on three sides; then solder those three edges of the copper tape to the ground pad as shown in figure 3. It's a good idea
to insulate the bare coax wires that are loose inside the cavity with electrical tape or similar material to avoid shorting something out.
6. Secure the summing board by applying the double-sided white foam adhesive to the back side of the board and then sticking it to a clean, flat
surface inside the cavity.
7. For the final connection you may connect your bridge passively in stereo as shown in figure 4. This will provide a separate volume control for
the T-Bridge on the ring contact of the stereo jack while leaving all the magnetic pickup functions as they are currently on the tip of the stereo
jack. To be able to blend the T-Bridge signal with the magnetic pickups in mono, the bridge can be connected using our Ctrl-X active preamp.