LR Baggs Acoustic Reference Amplifier User Manual

Page 17

background image

1/4” input

Input Impedance

10 megohms

Preamp gain

- ∞ to + 40dB

Input level

- 40dBv to +20dBv (.01Vrms to 3.53Vrms)

XlR input

Input Impedance

6.8k ohms (each leg of balanced)

Preamp gain

- ∞ to + 50dB

Input level

-50dBv to +12dBv (.003Vrms to 4.2Vrms)

auX input

Input Impedance (1/4” mono)

6.6k ohms

Input Impedance (1/4” stereo)

20k ohms

Input Impedance RCA

20k ohms (each side)

Input level

-10dBv to +17dB (.3Vrms to 7Vrms)



- 21 dB, sweepable from 60Hz to 320Hz

(The notch is bypassed when clicked to the “off” position - full CCW)


+/- 12dB @ 100 Hz

lo Mid

+/- 12dB @ 500Hz, sweepable from 200Hz to 1kHz

Hi Mid

+/- 12dB @ 2kHz, sweepable from 1kHz to 5kHz


+/- 12dB @ 10kHz

effects loops

send level

-5dBv (0.5Vrms)

output Impedance

600 ohms

Return level

+6dBv (2Vrms) Maximum before clipping

Input Impedance

20k ohms

D.i. out

output level

-8dBv (0.4Vrms) Balanced

output impedance

600 ohms

line out

output level

-10dBv (0.3Vrms)

output impedance

600 ohms

tuneR out

output level

-10dBv (0.3Vrms)

output impedance

600 ohms

output spl maX

108dB at 1 meter (full range)


AC Power Consumption

220W Max

AC Current Draw

230V = 1A, 110V = 2A Max

Voltage Range (115V setting)

90V - 130V, 50Hz - 65Hz

Voltage Range (230V setting)

190V - 260V, 45Hz - 60Hz

pHYsical cHaRacteRistics

28 lbs, 17.50” Width x 12.25” Depth x 18.0” Height

* These specifications may change without notice.

s P e C I F I C A T I o n s