Longshine GT150 User Manual
Page 18

EMB-M3 User`s Manual
Jumpers on the M3
The jumpers on the M3 allow you to configure your Main Board
according to the needs of your applications. If you have doubts about
the best jumper configuration for your needs, contact your dealer or
sales representative. The following table lists the jumpers on M3 and
their respective functions.
Jumper Locations on the M3............................................. 11
JP1, JP2, JP4, JP5, JP13, JP14: COM Power Selection ..... 12
JP3: RJ12 Output Votage Selection ................................... 12
JP6: On-Board LAN Enable/Disable Selection ................. 12
JP7: Inverter Power Jumper ............................................... 12
JP8: LCD PANEL Power Selection ................................... 13
JP9: Clear CMOS RAM Data ............................................ 13
JP15: CF Card Mode Selection .......................................... 13
JP16: Power Supply Mode Selection ................................. 14
JP17: WDT Time Out Reset Selection............................... 14
COM4MODE1:COM4 RS232/RS422/RS485 Selection ... 14